Roofing is a very specific industry with its own qualified trades people who have their own preferences for materials and construction methods. There are a wide range of roofing types on the market such as long-run metal in a range of different profiles.

Our kitset homes were originally supplied with a lightweight steel roof. However, we soon found that most roofing companies prefer to supply and install the roof using their own materials. To help make the roofing stage of building your Ubuilt kitset home as simple and easy as possible, we found that it was better to leave this up to your local roofing company.

That is why although our new range shows our kitset homes with a lightweight steel roof in the concept designs, the roof is no longer included in the specifications.  This leaves you free to organise and negotiate your roof  with your local roofing contractor, giving your more options and flexibility depending on the roofing companies available in your area.

The fact that the roof is not included in your kitset home does reduce the price slightly plus it makes the job of organising and installing your roof significantly easier and faster for everyone involved.

Our goal is to make your Ubuilt kitset home not only affordable but easy to build too so that you can own a home that you are proud of and have money left over to spend on making your home beautiful.

After all, the thousands you will save on construction materials and trades (if you provide some DIY help too) can be spent on building that beautiful deck, landscaping your garden, buying new furnishings and so much more.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us here if you would like to know more.